Your IBD Stories - Natalie Hooton

Natalie Hooton

What year were you diagnosed and with which form of IBD?
June 2014  - Ulcerative Colitis

Have you identified anything that triggers you, and if so what?
 I don't seem to have any triggers, I can go from feeling "fine" one day to totally rubbish the next.  The same with food, I can eat one thing and it not affect me then the next time I eat it, all hell breaks loose! Thanks body!!

Highlight an invisible symptom of Inflammatory Bowel Disease which you feel affects you:
Fatigue is the big one, it's completely different from being tired.  You go to bed, and get a fairly decent night's sleep but wake up feeling like you could sleep for another year.

Name one thing you feel like you’ve learnt or gained since having Inflammatory Bowel Disease:

I've learnt that I'm a lot stronger person than I thought I was.  That probably applies to a lot of people with chronic illness though, we just get on with whatever life throws at us.

What makes you an #IBDSuperHero? 
I'm actually more confident now than I used to be, before I got UC there's no way I would have gone off to meet people I've met through the support groups.  I've met some incredible people and made friends for life.
The thing I'm most proud of  was last year I organised a sponsored walk across the Humber Bridge to raise money for CCUK, in total we raised over £1200 for the charity. 
